About three hundred examples of birds belonging to the sedentary and migratory wildlife populating the various habitats on the Island: you can discover them in the only museum in Sardinia exclusively dedicated to birdlife. The exhibition is in Siddi, set up in the building in which the hospital of Managu was located in the past, a rare example of a healthcare facility operating in a rural Sardinian village in the 19th century. On the ground floor you will find the exhibition sections and the information section. A first room is dedicated to the history of the building, after which the visit continues along a visual and tactile path that describes the evolutionary history of birds, reaching a series of display cases, where you can admire numerous examples, accompanied by information sheets on their characteristics and habitats. Among the various species, you will see night birds and daytime birds of prey, various species of geese and ducks, waders and other lesser-known and rare species, such as the western swamphen, the red-billed chough and the collared pratincole. A small section is dedicated to Sardinian mammals.