The village is located at around 450 metres above sea-level, in the foothills of the Marghine mountains, in the northern part of the Abbasanta plateau. Birori is a small village of round 500 inhabitants, founded in the Middle Ages with the name Birore, and originally belonged to the Torres Giudicato before passing to the Arborea Giudicato, the Oristano Marchesato and under Aragonese dominion.
The area has been settled since prehistoric times, and has more than 50 archaeological sites and places of interest. The domus de Janas, menhir and dolmens at sas Bogadas and sa Perda e s’Altare date back to the Neolithic. Bronze Age holy wells, Nuraghes and Giants' tombs can also be found, including su Palatu in the village centre, and Lassia near the railway station, with two couples of niches raised off the floor, and perhaps used to place funerary offerings. On the edge of the village are the Arbu and Miuddu Nuraghes, the second with a central tower surrounded by a trilobed bastion.