The sea breezes and swell of the waves create a rich spray of salts and mineral ions that envelop the island's coasts in healthy air, best breathed in slowly and deeply. Extraordinarily beautiful, healthy and brimming with precious elements, it then blows past ever-changing seascapes, small islands, bays, sandy, quartz and coral beaches and fantastic cliff terraces. They all become exclusive beauty farms by the sea with no time limits or regulations, offering the best of natural wellness, water, sun, stones, shells, rocks and sand at no cost. These are the welcoming outdoor gyms that are always open for those who want to recharge their batteries and empty their minds. Generous but fragile, they only ask to be respected so that they remain a precious reserve of well-being, forever and for all.
The marine environment is also good for total relaxation: breathing in the fresh air improves the mood, lowers stress levels and strengthens the immune system and emotional well-being. If you add a little physical effort, seaside beauty farms help you regain energy and vitality during your holiday. Start walking and splashing around with the water at your ankles and move slowly away from the shore to increase the resistance of the waves on your moving body, thus effortlessly stimulating circulation and muscle tone. Every now and then switch between swimming in the sea and sunbathing and lying in contact with the sand and warm, energy-charged cliffs. To enhance the action of the stones, take inspiration from hot stone techniques. Look for dark, flat stones and ask your fellow holidaymakers for help in alternating hot and wet stones on the most sensitive parts of the body. You will feel the energy flowing, pains relieved and skin smoothed. Finish your fitness session with dives from the rocks and swims in waters as clean and clear as swimming pools. These natural gyms can only be found in Sardinia.
The sea also works miracles: by osmosis, the salt draws water from the tissues and eliminates superfluous liquids; the sculpting action is multiplied when the sea is rougher. Harness its energy and head out to meet the crashing waves on the shore. The swirls stimulate the circulatory system and reduce swelling, and you will feel the powerful touch of this aesthetic and tonic massage on your skin. At dusk when the sea is calm and carries all the sunshine of the day, float on your back motionless on the water and close your eyes. You will feel your breathing slow down, your muscles relax and your back will feel light. Anxiety and stress will slip away. After so much water, practice sand therapy by immersing yourself in the dry sands, rich in minerals, crystals and shell powder, which produce an exfoliating treatment on the skin, a natural scrub with a booster effect. You will come out as good as new, ready for another day of free wellness, in Sardinia of course.